PIS缩写的意思-Prawo i Sprawiedliwoœæ (Law and Justice; Polish political party)
- 【英文缩写】: PIS
- 【英文全称】: Prawo i Sprawiedliwoœæ (Law and Justice; Polish political party)
- 【中文解释】: Prawo i Sprawiedliwoœæ (Law and Justice; Polish political party)
- 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
- 【缩写简介】: PIS 相关英文缩写
以上为Prawo i Sprawiedliwoœæ (Law and Justice; Polish political party)英文缩略词PIS的中文解释及分类。
英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文意思 |
PIS | Prawo i SprawiedliwoϾ (Law and Justice; Polish political party) | Prawo i SprawiedliwoϾ (Law and Justice; Polish political party) |
PIS | Phuket International School (Quality Schools International) | 普吉国际学校(国际优质学校) |
PIS | Polarized Ion Source (accelerator technology) | 极化离子源(加速器技术) |
PIS | Politiets IndsatsStyrke (Danish TV show) | Politiets IndsatsStyrke(丹麦电视节目) |
PIS | Patient Information Sheet (drug trials) | 患者信息表(药物试验) |
PIS | Public Information Services Ltd (UK) | 公共信息服务有限公司(英国) |
PIS | Pompano Indoor Skatepark (Florida) | 蓬帕诺室内滑板公园(佛罗里达州) |
PIS | Personnel Identification System | 人员识别系统 |
PIS | Process Improvement Specialist | 流程改进专家 |
PIS | Public Information Specialist | 公共信息专家 |
- PIS Prawo i SprawiedliwoϾ (Law and Justice; Polish political party)
- PUNS Partido de UniÓn Nacional Saharaui (Sahara National Union Party)
- POPS 人们观察人们的安全(对行为的安全程序)
- MAIT 迈克白的人工智能翻车机系统(体育小费)
- LRF Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund (Sweden, Federation of Swedish Farmers)
- KKK Kryo Kanal Köln (German: Cryogenic Wind Tunnel; Cologne, Germany)
- KRIS Kriminellas Revanch I Sammhället (Criminals Return Into Society)
- ITA Institut du Transport AÉrien (French: Institute of Air Transport)
- IBGE Institut Bruxellois倒啦Gestion de fixation 'Environnement(比利时)
- GAS 机枪手的辅助性视力在M-1(二次光学阿布拉姆斯主战坦克)
- FEST Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (Germany)
- FDW 闪烁,不要走(交通灯、交通工程)
- KFH Katonai FelderÍto Hivatal (Military Intelligence Office; Hungary)
- IADT Institute of Art, Design and Technology (DÚn Laoghaire, Ireland)
- FUN 城市性质(西雅图Audobon寻找社会儿童节目)